Innovations of XXI century come faster. Technology goes in tune with the times and positive reports of technicians will cause the sincerest smile on your face right now.
We refer to the news about recently appeared program that can help dating industry keep their business level. As mentioned before Scamalytics appealed everyone to be attentive with members and while keeping all of them in great safe check all the information and detect scam artist. Let us tell you one more time that first of all you have to verify is IP address, as soon as possible will save lots of money and you don’t probably guess how many people will be thankful to you.
As for the head management of big international dating websites – the news are really great and they will be instantly happy to save their business from loss. We speak about Free scammer health check.
Free scammer health check became famous by API-based RecSys known as the ideas machine of resolving bottlenecks all online dating sites have. Perfectly launched new program gives high-quality and cautious scanning process for pictures in the profile and all related content of a user. We mean about public content of course. Specifically, all data is to be analyzed correctly and correlated properly due to the blacklisting Scamalytics made, thus you will receive a detailed report regarding all the profiles that are of some interest.
As a matter of fact Nick Tsinonis, co-founder of Scamalytics, mentioned that their program’s blacklists increased substantially by adding IP addresses and applicative information. So that its size is a thing of a big proud and achievement that allows to catch the scammer just with his profile immediately. Indeed this is a big step in resolving the biggest problem named scam.